here’s a fact for you - as much as i love a beautifully coordinated outfit, i try to influence as little as possible when it comes to what my kids wear. here’s why:
letting kids choose their own outfits isn’t just about avoiding morning battles (though it’s a nice perk!). it’s about fostering independence, creativity, and confidence—all things i deeply value as a parent and as the founder of a children’s clothing brand designed for self-expression and raising one of a kind kids.
✨AUTONOMY AND LIFE SKILLS: from a montessori perspective, dressing themselves is a huge step toward autonomy. kids learn through hands-on experiences, and choosing their own clothes builds important skills like decision-making, fine motor coordination (those buttons and zippers!), and even problem-solving and real life experiences when they realize that a tank top might not be the best choice for a snowy day.
✨ BODILY AUTONOMY: but beyond practicality, there’s something even more important at play: bodily autonomy. from a young age, i want my children to know that their bodies belong to them. allowing them to decide what feels comfortable, what makes them happy, and how they want to present themselves to the world reinforces that their choices matter. and sometimes, that’s super frustrating - like if i spend hours sewing a dress that they decide they don’t like. i do step in for safety concerns (like proper shoes on a hike) but otherwise, i (try to!!) trust them to make their own decisions.
✨ CREATIVITY AND PERSONAL EXPRESSION: and finally, there’s creativity and personal expression—two things i believe all kids should be encouraged to explore. fashion is one of the earliest ways kids can show the world who they are. some days that means dressing like a fairy astronaut, other days it’s all blue or all pink. both are valid. when we allow children to experiment with their style, we’re telling them, your ideas are valuable, your creativity is worth exploring, and you don’t have to fit into a box.
is it always convenient? definitely not. sometimes we’re running late, and someone insists on layering three dresses. sometimes their outfits make me do a double take. but when i see how proud they are of their choices, i know it’s worth it. because at the end of the day, it’s not about me. it’s about raising confident, capable kids who trust themselves.
so if you see one of my girls at the park wearing a full princess gown with sneakers and a racecar hat—just know that’s a kid who feels empowered, creative, and completely themselves. and really, isn’t that the goal?